Years of Experience
Projects Executed
People Impacted
Households Reached
Supported population
- Chongwe and Rufunsa Districts
Community Lead Action for Climate Resilience
Locally Led Climate Change Solutions - Voices for Climate Action (VCA)
- Sesheke and Sioma Districts.
Children and Youth Climate Resilient Project
Keepers Zambia Foundation with support from Save the Children and with funding from the Embassy of Ireland is implementing Children & Youths Climate R
- Kalabo, Mongu and Nalolo Districts of Western Province, Zambia
Through BioGas Technology Towards Higher Resilience of the Communities in Western Province of Zambia’
Biogas Technology addresses the pressing challenges of climate change while also providing a sustainable solution for energy and waste management.
- Lukulu District
Strengthening Vulnerable Households Resilience Capacity
Improving livelihood through nutritional gardening, chicken rearing and social saving.
- Chawama Sub-district and Chilanga District.
Cholera Response Project - CATFUND
The project aimed to reduce cholera-related morbidity and mortality by promoting hygiene and distributing WASH supplies.
- Choma District in Southern Province and Nkeyema in Western Province in Zambia
Amplifying children's voices on Child rights,Climate Change and Environment.
Amplifying Children’s Voice for Child Rights aims at institutionalizing structures and mechanisms for girls and boys.